Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What If??? (#2)

What if you only had 100 breaths to breathe?
Would you inhale deeper and exhale slower...barely allowing the air to leave?
What if you only had $100 dollars in which to live?
Would you selfishly keep it or would you somehow find a way to still give?
What if you knew the most recent moment with your loved one was your last?
Would you beg God for a time machine so that you could change the past?
Living life with regrets is not life at all.
It's a self-made prison with unbreakable walls.
Today I choose to live my life.
To manufacture moments that matter.
To make a difference.
To love in more meaningful and purposeful ways.
I choose to breathe a little deeper,
Exhale a lot slower.
So that I can recognize and appreciate
God's voice and His plan for my life

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