Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Did you hear that?

Isn’t it crazy how your sense of hearing is magnified seemingly by 100X when you are laying in your bed at night? Your vision is not great (because it is dark), but you can hear the baby down the hall, the kids turning over in their beds, the house creaking, the gears of the wall clock moving…etc. Women seem to have the ability to hear the faintest of sounds coming from the forgotten corner of the basement. It just proves that when you are still and when you are through with the busyness of your day you can hear all the minor details and sounds.

This is so true in our spiritual lives as well. We need to seek that quiet time, where we can be still and just listen to God speak. There are so many details that we miss because we refuse to be still and just listen. Just as our mortal hearing is increased when we sit still and focus on our surroundings, our spiritual hearing is intensified when we remove the clutter out of our mind’s closets and allow God to speak to us in our quiet place.

A quiet place is not necessarily a place of seclusion, it is a place that you come to where you block out the cares of the world, your own desires and cares and other distracting thoughts and just focus on God and listen to Him speak. God speaks through His word, through others and through situations. He is speaking…He just needs your attention. Your quiet place is a place of Faith. Just as your vision fails you at night and you have to rely on your ability to hear, quiet times with God are not so much based on what you see, but what you hear. That is the essence of Faith. Some say “seeing is believing”. God says, “believing is not seeing”. How much faith do you have to have to believe in what is right in front of you? That is not faith…that is observing. Faith is believing in something that you don’t see as if you have seen it or experienced it already. Almost like seeing the future like it is in the past.

Faith is the key to spending quality time with God. God will speak to you about where you are now and He will reveal His specific plan for your future. If you don’t approach your Godly encounters with Faith in God, your will tremble at His revelations for you and will not act on them because you will see them as impossible. True faith in God will be the anchor you need to weather the storms that you’ll face as you journey toward fulfilling your purpose. Your faith can only be strengthened and explored through “Godly” encounters. Hearing God speak, trusting Him to do what he says and walking in faithful obedience.

It’s time for some quality time with God.

Be Blessed,

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