Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Who is the one person that causes your skin to bubble and your pressure to rise when the thought of them crosses your mind? Who is the person, when you are having a gathering, you intentionally leave their name off of the list because you can’t even bear the sight of them or the sound of their voice? Who is the person that if you knew that you would not get caught you’d push them into rush hour traffic (maybe not rush hour traffic because the cars would be going to slow). J (Don’t forget someone probably feels this way about you)

Sounds harsh right, but we all know people that fit ever so nicely in this category. Some time they are people that annoy us, intimidate us, always try to show us up, make it a point to point out our flaws or just plain HATE on us. Sometimes these people do this on purpose, sometimes it is unintentional (just part of their character) and sometimes it is just the way in which we perceive them. They could remind us of a painful situation from our past. They could have hurt us in the past. They could have ignored us when we needed them in the past. Sometimes it may be a result of our own prejudice or unwillingness to be vulnerable so we “imagine” how difficult getting to know a person would be without reaching out to them and we justify this by labeling it as some form of self-preservation.

Why not make today the day that you commit to do something crazy? Something totally irrational and daring… How exciting and challenging would it be to make this the day that you chose to make a “FOE” a friend. Sounds crazy right, but isn’t that what God called us to do.

Romans 20-21 “Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he's thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good.”

How can we change the world if we are only staying in our comfort zones and not reaching out to our enemies and to those who are downtrodden and ignored by others. It is easy to love when you’ll get that love back, but can you love the person who will think that you are CRAZY for loving them. Think of the impact that kind of action would make on their lives.

So why not…
· Buy them lunch
· Give them a gift card
· Treat them to an ice cream sundae on a hot day (the new twisted Frostys from Wendy’s are nice too…don’t forget about Rita’s too)
· Cut their lawn (or pay to have it cut)
· Get them a card, flowers or a balloon
· Invite them over

Why not make today the day that you do something CRAZY FOR CHRIST!!!!

Be Blessed,

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