Sunday, September 21, 2008

Deep Rooted

How deep are your roots?

About two and half months ago my mother in law panted several flowers in two separate planting pots on the patio in my backyard. The flowers in both pots were growing beautifully and the blooms were bright and appeared to be very healthy (big ups to miracle grow). The flowers continued to grow taller and taller and they also multiplied as expected. About two weeks ago, I noticed that some of the flowers in one of the pots were beginning to wither. My first thought was that they were not getting enough water, so I began to increase the amount of the water and I repositioned the pot to make sure that the failing plants were receiving the appropriate amount of sunlight. To no avail… the flowers in that pot continued to wither.

After taking a closer look, I was able to determine the real issue...the problem was with the roots. The roots of the flowers that were withering were too shallow in the soil, so the weight of the flowers caused the flowers to lean forward and the weight was in fact pulling the roots from the soil as the flowers leaned forward. No amount of water or sunlight would be able to sustain those flowers. In order for them to grow and to survive, they needed deeper roots. Both sets of plants, while planted at the same time, while being positioned to receive the same nourishment (sun and water) and while appearing to grow at the same rate, were actually headed toward two different destinies. One was destined to grow and produce while the other was headed toward a premature death.

Witnessing this natural phenomenon caused me to reflect on its spiritual implications.

How deep are my spiritual roots?
Do I just appear to be growing superficially, but deep down my roots are not strong enough to allow me to withstand the Storms of life?
Are my roots deep/strong enough to allow me to bear the weight of God’s blessings or will their presence cause me to fall?

God is not going to allow me to face or have more than I can bear (meaning handle successfully as I depend on Him for strength and guidance). I believe that this truth relates to what I consider to be blessings and what I consider to be challenges. We can’t handle too much of either if we aren’t firmly grounded.

Many trees have systems of roots that span two to three times the diameter of their above ground “crown”. This means that if a tree spans 10 feet wide, it will probably have an underground system of roots that is 20 to 30 feet wide. Much of the trees ability to nourish and sustain itself is based on its intricate system of roots.

As Christians, we are to have a root system that allows us to be nourished and sustained by our relationship with the Father, by our dependence on His Word and through our relationships with other believers (fellow believers are simply known as other trees in the forest). Life will expose the strength of your root system when the storms come. It is easy to “look” the part when the “breezes” of life are passing through your leaves, but when the winds blow, will you be uprooted or will you stand.

God is glorified when His trees stand tall and grow (underground growth that is). He isn’t concerned as much about how you appear to be growing above ground, this is where a lot of us get caught up we want to look the part but not “change our hearts” (superficial VS Spiritual). Our focus needs to shift to what really matters. The storms are coming (many of us are going through them right now). Are you prepared?

How strong are your roots?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Arm the Alarm

This weekend my family and I visited Boscov's going out of business sale. We picked up several items (mostly games to add to our vast collection of family oriented games). We also allowed the kids to pick up 1 item a piece. My daughter picked out a board game about the whole mall/shopping experience and my son selected a laser based security system.

Both of the kids really seemed pleased with their selections, but I noticed that my son was obsessed with is new "spy gear". He opened it up almost immediately upon our arrival home and began to press me to assist him with setting it up. He wanted to make sure that his room, which held his most prized assets (toys, bank, football posters and of course his Nintendo DS) were adequately protected from the members of his loving family and any other unwanted guests that might try to “loot”. The next morning, we eventually set it up and as a test, I went into his room to test it after he went to sleep. I tripped the alarm but the sound of the alarm didn't even cause him to flinch.

This failed test made me think about the safeguards that I have guarding my most valuable mind, my heart and my soul. This caused me to reflect on David (in the Bible). David spoke many times about God being his source of protection. Is there a better security system than God? If you are relying on your own power and might to guard you than you will surely find yourself just like my sleeping son...caught off guard and at the mercy of unwanted “guests”

Satan and this world constantly attack our minds and our hearts and if we are not prepared and don't have the proper security measures in place we will fall and become spiritual casualties.

Take time today and everyday to arm your spiritual "ADT" alarm systems so that when the enemy tries to invade your home you can cause him to flee through the power of God. Moreover guarding your heart and mind, is like putting an ADT sign in your yard so that some enemies won't even attempt to attack you for they will see who is protecting your "home", and will realize that their attempts to invade are pointless. Arm your hearts and minds by spending quality time with the Father and by asking him to guard your "home" through His Spirit and the power of His Word.

You have the best security system and equipment known to mankind at your disposal, but it is useless unless you turn the alarm on.

Are you secure?...or as my wife asks me almost every night as soon as I find my comfy spot in the bed…”Did you set the alarm?” (I always wonder why she never seems to remember to ask that question before I lay down for the night)

Be Blessed,

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Joy...and Pain

Last night my wife and I were watching a rerun of the TV show “Scrubs”. During this episode, a doctor repeatedly challenged the reality of the fact that God existed and that He was in control of all things. He asked that if God was in control…

*Why do good things happen to bad people?
*Why do the good suffer?
*Why do bad things happen to good people?
*Why are there diseases?

He repeatedly challenged a particular nurse who I assume was a Christian. She had a response to every challenge and repeatedly said that all things work together for the good. Just when the Doctor thought that he could not outwit the nurse, a young girl was brought into the hospital. She was about 10 years old and had been stabbed for no reason and was close to death. The doctor got a person to pose as the girl’s dad and brought the “dad” before the nurse and confronted her. At the sight of the girl the Doctor asked,” What good could God have intended with this situation? Was it His will that she get stabbed?….she did no wrong did she? What are you going to tell this girl’s father?” The nurse didn’t have an immediate response. Moments later a technician revealed that the little girl had a tumor the size of a golf ball growing in her chest and if she had not been stabbed, then the deadly tumor would have probably gone unnoticed until it was too late. The fact that she got attacked actually saved her life.

I was floored. How often do we doubt that God is in control, has a firm grip on the steering wheel and knows where He is going? In our short-term frame of mind, we focus on our temporary pain and ignore the future glory and eternal glory that is promised to those who are children of God. Sometimes pain is used to bring our attention to something that will ultimately cause death. Don’t ignore the pain that you are going through. Endure the pain and ask God what His plan for you is through the pain. His plans for you are much bigger than your pain. This is not an easy pill to swallow, but it is much easier than running around in circles trying to understand all the “Whys, Who’s, What’s, Where’s, When’s and How’s” that you have concerning what God is doing. God loves us and all does work together for the good of those who love Him and are called for His purpose.

I recently shared the following words with a friend of mine who was questioning God’s choices:

It is important to know that even when we don’t know what it going on, we can take comfort in the fact that we know the One who is ultimately in control. God never makes mistakes and His ways are high above our ways. We must be aware of the lessons He is trying to teach us through every situation both good and “bad” in order to begin to understand Him and life. If we knew everything and knew every answer there would be no need for faith. God seems to give the most difficult challenges to the strongest among us to serve as a testimony to us who are “weaker” so that when the strong turn to Him in faith, we can be inspired to do the same.

There are scores of people hurting these days, many of which are Christians. I think that it is vitally important that we as Christians “own our pain” and see it as an opportunity to grow closer to Christ and to be a witness to God’s Mercy and Love. We may not understand WHY, but we sure can point the world to the “WHO” WHEN they ask us HOW we made it through and how we have joy through our pain and sorrow.

Our pain is nothing when compared to God’s plan and His love for us.

Be Blessed,