Sunday, July 13, 2008


I’m more than just a man. I am a collection of moments, memories and movements
Like Midas, everything that I touch in impacted. Whether it is for the better or for the worst… it is impacted. So I carefully choose what I devote my time and energy to, because I want my life to be more than just another hyphen between two dates (the day I was born and the day I died).

I want to create. For I am made in the image of My Father who is the greatest creator of all, who spoke and made something from nothing, His nature is my nature. He has custom made me to be sensitive to certain imperfections, flaws and voids that I will encounter throughout my lifetime and His purpose for me is to recognize these challenges and make them opportunities. Like a superhero, I’m commissioned to respond to these “opportunities”. Opportunities not for me to display my “superpowers”, but for me to realize that I’m powerless and through God’s power I can rise to the occasion and be victorious, God has called me to greatness.

I have a high calling. I am a representative of God and because I have identified myself as a child of God, everything I say and do is associated with God by other believers and non-believers who bear witness to my life. My prayer is that I don’t shame His name.

I often feel as though I’m not worthy of all that God has given me. I don’t fully understand why He loves me, but I’m sure of the fact the He does and because He loves me and because I choose to live for Him. I am more than a Man. I’m a child of God.

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