Sunday, April 10, 2011

Beware of the Dog!!!

It was one of those archetypal spring mornings. The sky was clear and powdery blue. The birds were performing their customary Spring Morning Concert and God turned the Sun on “pre-heat”, to begin to heat up the Earth. Life was good. What a great start to a blessing filled day. I went through my usual routine and then headed out to work.

As I began my drive to work, I lowered the windows to let in the fresh air. Traffic was light so I was able to observe my surroundings a little more than usual. Suddenly I began to hear what sounded like a huge dog belting out in a very deep, consistent and constant barking. It was the kind of barking that seemed to convey, that whoever came near him, would be in for the fight of his/her lives. It was a “Cujoesque” bark. It was almost hellish in its sound and intensity.

As I got closer, my curiosity grew because I wanted to see what this dog, that was making such a fuss, looked like. From a distance I was finally able to see the canine and it was HUGE. He stood at the top of a hill on “his lawn”. His apparent rage was triggered, by a man who had come to a complete halt on the walkway that ran in front of the dog’s unfenced yard. I saw the man’s fear as he looked up at the dog as it seemingly taunted him and dared him to come closer. The dog circled, jumped and kicked in anticipation of a face off. As a result, the man “backtracked” in an effort to avoid the perceived threat. As I got closer and drove pass to dog, I was able to see something that the man could not see from where he was standing. This vicious dog was securely chained to a large tree in the yard and while it appeared that he was free to attack at will, he was bound by a thick steel chain.

As we journey along the “walkways” of life, we will face many intimidating circumstances, people and schemes of the enemy. We may even have goals and dreams that are intimidating. We must always remember that God has promised to provide and to protect those who are walking in His will. When speaking of those with the heart of God, Psalms 41:2 says, ”The Lord protects them and keeps them alive. He gives them prosperity in the land and rescues them from their enemies.”

From a human perspective, many times what initially appears to be a “dangerous” “out of control” challenge in our lives is just opportunity for God to demonstrate His Sovereignty. It does however take faith and the audacity to take God at His Word. God has all power, all wisdom and His will is just and is fulfilled through Love.

We must walk in faith in order to see the enemy for who the enemy ultimately is….a defeated foe. We must walk in confidence past those who stand between us and our dreams and God’s plans for us. We must be aware of the “dangers” around us but not allow those challenges to “turn us around” and return to the “safe comfortable and familiar places” where we came from.

Too many people run at the first sign of danger or challenge and revert to what is comfortable. GROWTH NEVER OCCURS IN THE COMFORT ZONE!!! When I think over my life, the times I grew were times when I had to exercise my faith and trust God’s Sovereignty over my life and my circumstances. In my comfort zone, I’m comfortable and my tendency is to rely on myself. Life was never meant to be lived in a permanent comfort zone. We must face our “Big Barking Dogs”, and walk just long enough and allow God to elevate us enough so that we can see that the “Big Dog” that we feared is being restrained by the Power of the Most High.

Don’t allow your fears, your circumstances or your challenges to turn you around on the “walkway of life” on which God has placed you. Ask God to open your eyes and to give you His perspective so that you can see that the enemy can not harm you because God is your ultimate protector and He is the author and sustainer of your life.

Don’t Turn Back!!! Keep Walking!!!

Be Blessed,


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