Monday, August 4, 2008

Who are you rolling with?

Have you ever felt compelled to be in two places at one time? Have you ever felt like your mind (or different thoughts) was racing like cars in the Daytona 500? Is your thought life like a 10 lane freeway…thoughts traveling in 1 million different directions at one time but seemingly going nowhere? Do you feel like you always have places to be, people to talk to and things to do, but not enough time to manage it all? Are you a prisoner to your choices and a slave to your thoughts and schedule?

These and other questions came to mind as I had lunch today. Before I went to lunch though, I had so many thoughts and I was playing through so many different scenarios in my mind that I couldn’t focus on making a simple decision about what to eat and where to eat for lunch. It was frustrating. I literally had to stop myself. I was racing out of control and going in circles. I had in fact become paralyzed by the realization of all the things going on in my life and my feeble attempt to try to control everything. It’s these moments in life that force me to pump my brakes, let go of the wheel and let God jump back into the driver’s seat.

The more I attempt to control things…the more out of control things become.

To get beyond this point, I had to do a couple of things:

*StopI literally had to stop everything I was doing. It was in the stillness of life that I began to hear God speak to me
*PrayI acknowledged to God that I was out of control and asked for His forgiveness, peace and direction. I had pushed God out of the driver’s seat and I took the wheel
*RegroupI had to revisit my priorities. Not the immediate need, but the ultimate priorities. God, Family, Me and Others. I had to recognize the present competing priorities and refocus on what was important to God in the long run. I’m not always supposed to be the one to put out the “fire” that is apparent right now if it is pulling me away from what God has ultimately directed me to do.
*ActOnce God has given me clarity and peace in the midst of my “storm”, I’m charged with moving forward in confidence and strength, with my newly established sound mind.

Simply stated, but difficult to implement…To gain a sense of control in my life, I must give up control and yield to God. If He is in control and I’m trusting Him to lead, then all the pressure is on Him to come through. I’m just a passenger, trusting the driver to get me to a destination. I’m going where He wants me to go. BTW-God has never had an accident, but we can cause one by trying to take the wheel so that we can drive from the passenger seat, so sit back and enjoy the ride.

A couple of additional things to consider to help being order:

*Delegationare you delegating tasks/responsibilities associated with your life or are you holding on to too much because you think that no one can “do it like you can” or you think that it just “won’t be the same” unless you do it? God may have broken the mold when He made you, but that may have been because He knew that He could make a better and more efficient model. Look for these models (people) in your life. You may think that you are good at something, but someone else may be able to do what you do in half the time. There is no shame in delegating.
*Allocationhow are you allocating your resources? Are you wasting your time, your talents and your $$$ or are you investing them to bring about a return? We are called to be fruitful, we can only maximize our output when we allocate our resources properly.
*CooperationAre we looking for opportunities to work with like-minded people? Many times our visions can only come to fruition when we cooperate with others. Cooperation brings about collective thoughts, resources and experiences. It is good to be able to stand firm alone, but there is strength in numbers.

These simple and practical truths are sure to assist us as we try to regain a sense of order in our lives. In order for us to live effective lives, we must be efficient in our use of our resources.

No one can do ALL things well, but we ALL can do the things God has called us to do well if we “Let go and Let God”!!!

Who are you rolling with?

Be Blessed,

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