Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Promises…We have all made them. We have all broken them. None of us enjoy the heartbreak that comes along with a broken promise. It can sometimes be very painful to experience the letdown of someone making a promise to you and then not following through. Husbands make promises to wives (and vice versa) only to not see the promises fulfilled. Parents make promises to children (and vice versa) only to break them as well. Sad to say, we have also made promises to God and not followed through on them.

God if you get me out of this financial bind…I’ll give to you.
God if you heal me of this illness…I’ll serve you
God if you give me this job…I’ll have more personal time with you
God if you open this door or that door… I’ll give you the glory.

Time and time again we make promises especially to God and we never follow through. Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 5 that God is not interested in our mindless babble. He would rather that we don’t make a promise to Him than to make a promise or vow and never follow through on it. Many times we tell God what we “think” He wants to hear. In actuality, what we “think” God wants to hear is what we would like to hear if we were God. God can see right though our games and already knows what promises we will and will not keep before we even open our mouths. Thanks be to God that God is still faithful in spite of us. God’s faithfulness is not contingent upon our failures.

I can hear someone right now reading this and thinking…Hmmm. I guess I can just chill, not promise God anything so that there is nothing that I have to follow through on and God is going to bless me anyway. If that is your attitude, you might want to check the status of your relationship with the Father. Just as children want to please their parents (or should want to), our greatest desire should be to bring our Heavenly Father joy and we can only do that by being faithful to what He has entrusted to us and by being obedient to His Word.

Take a moment and reflect on any unfulfilled promises that you have made to God. Ask Him to forgive you for putting Him on the back burner and commit to following through today.

Ask any athlete…In almost all cases they will tell you that any successful goal or shot is the result of their commitment to it and their follow through (or finish). It’s clutch time…Are you ready to follow through?

Be a Promise Keeper.

Be Blessed,

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