Monday, January 17, 2011

The Beat of MY OWN Drum

Our world is filled with a vast array of people, cultures, belief systems, levels of wealth, ideologies, moral values, traditions, family structures etc. “Diversity” is seen all around us. We “celebrate our differences”, because we see value in learning and living life with others who are uniquely shaped by their upbringing, their educational experience and their daily interactions within the context of culture. We are all different yet we share a common quality and it is one of the most dominant and potentially destructive forces known to man. It is a force called by many names but it can be universally understood as “SELF INTEREST”.

The “Self Interest”, The “Self-Centered”, and The “Me-First” mindsets are at the very core of practically every destructive human expression, decision and encounter. In children, it begins and manifests itself as a survival technique. When a baby needs to be given food, to be paid attention, to be changed, to be given something to drink, to be given a toy, a blanket, a night light etc., the baby knows how to make himself or herself the center of attention. J As babies, we get what we want by making our needs the most important matter at that time. The sad part about it is…some of us have never grown up. We can’t see beyond our “needs” and believe that we exist for our glory and for temporary self gratification. We convince ourselves that life is about being served and not about serving. We want to be first and if we can be first we will make those around us feel worse.

A life that is centered on “self-interest” is a life that is diseased and this disease impacts every decision that we make. Self-Centeredness is the enemy of love and promotes destruction and death. I guarantee you that a person whose life is a wreck or who has destroyed his or her life and the lives of others around them, is a person whose life is based on the pursuit of “self-interest”. What is at the root of almost every war?...almost every divorce…almost every crime? It all begins with someone having a “Me-First” mindset.

As I listened to Dr. Martin Luther King’s sermon entitled "Drum Major Instinct" (1968), and reflected on the last two weeks of small group Bible Study, the recurring themes of “What is true greatness?” and “How to combat the “demons” of Self-Centeredness?” have been front and center. Greatness is not defined by a position of power or prowess, it is truly characterized by one’s passion to serve and a commitment to turn that passion into action. Mark 9:35 (MSG) “He (Jesus) sat down and summoned the Twelve. "So you want first place? Then take the last place. Be the servant of all."

The greatest position we can take is a position of service, with a heart of humility that is lead by love. In order to make this a way of life, we must:

· Pattern our lives after the example of Jesus, who while “Great”, humbled himself and sought out “the least of these”. His mission was to serve those who needed love the most. The outcast, the poor, the criminals, the children…the unlovely.

· Move pass the “emotional high” stage of serving. We hear a message or a lesson or someone close to us goes through a challenge so we are moved emotionally to serve, but what happens when the high is gone? In a few short days, we typically revert to our “self-centered ways”. In order to combat our tendency to focus on self, we must have a renewal of our minds and have a “God or Father First approach”.

· Redefine and Remind ourselves daily what it means to be great and to be successful. It has nothing to do with the collection of material things, titles or power. It has everything to do with being generous, caring, kind and impartial as it relates to who we love.

Dr. King said that we should desire to be great but our greatness should be one that is defined as a greatness to love, greatness in moral excellence and greatness in generosity. He also said that in order to be great we must serve and that since we all can serve then we all have the potential to be great. Part of Dr. King’s legacy was leaving behind a committed life that was dedicated to this kind of greatness.

Are you ready to be great? Are you willing to serve or are you too busy crying and trying to get someone to serve you? Choose today to enjoy the Joy of Serving and put our Love into Action. By putting love into action we honor Dr. King, but more importantly we begin to live a life patterned after the example set by “THE KING OF KINGS”.

Be Blessed,


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