Wednesday, June 10, 2009


One feature that I optioned for in my latest vehicle is a Bluetooth integrated radio that would allow me to receive and to make call in a safe “handsfree” manner. It is a very convenient function as it has built in caller ID and is voice activated. Whenever my vehicle is on and my phone is in range, the car automatically connects to the phone as indicated by a symbol (which resembles a phone) that appears on the central display of the dashboard. This “icon” is a reminder to me that 1… I have my phone and 2…the system is working properly. I have come to trust and rely on my “Bluetooth Radio”.

My reliance on this technology, came in handy last week as I was leaving for work. Like most people, my phone (smartphone/”celly”/lifeline/”text machine”..etc) is an essential part of my wardrobe. It is a way for me to stay connected to family, friends, co-workers and the rest of the world in general, so you can imagine the “mini-panic attack” I had when as I was sitting in my car going through my mental checklist of tasks that I needed to do or items that I needed to take with me for the day, and I could not locate my phone. All I had on my hip was an empty phone case.

I began to backtrack…mentally and physically. The bedroom, the kitchen, the family room….my “Text-Machine” was nowhere to be found. As I was giving up hope, a still voice told me to go back to the car and just go to work. I listened and to my delight, as I started the car, the Bluetooth phone connection icon appeared in my dash. “What a relief!!!” I thought, “Now I know that my phone is in the car.” Unfortunately, that was just the beginning of the saga. I spent the next 10 minutes looking in the car for the phone, but I came up empty. I decided that I had to move on with my day and that I had to rest assure that the phone was somewhere in the car and that I would eventually find it.

This experience seemed to be linked to a recent Bible study that I was a part of. The study focused on how we should not let the unexplainable get in the way of our acceptance of the undeniable. In other words, there are things that we can’t explain (and may never be able to explain), but there are also undeniable truths that we must accept and live our lives by.

This is sooooo true as it relates to our relationship with God and His will for our lives. I can not explain all the mysteries of God. Why He does what He does. What He is going to do down to the smallest of decisions. I can’t explain it (if I could then I would be God). I can however rest on the undeniable power that I have personally experienced through my undeniable relationship with Him. I can attest to His delivering power and His unconditional Love. I can’t explain all the “why’s” but their reality is undeniable.

I fight each day to not let what I don’t know, hinder my faith. For if I knew it all, there would be no need for Faith. Just as in my experience with my “lost” phone, while I could not explain exactly where my phone was, I had an “undeniable” indicator that my phone was there, so I didn’t allow my life to come to a complete and permanent standstill as a result of the “unexplainable” (not knowing exactly where the phone was).

I have a new appreciation for Hebrews 11:1:

1NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, [a]the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].

What unexplainable truth or reality is preventing you from accepting the undeniable truths of God and His will for you? What detail are you so focused on that it has caused you to lose sight of the “big picture”? What will it take to move you from dwelling in the realm of the unexplainable into living a life confident in the undeniable?

Is your spiritual “Bluthtooth” connected or are you out of range?

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,

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