Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Give them what you "Got"

Fall is in full force and winter is right around the corner. This is the time of year that is famous for the flu, colds, stomach virus, pink eye etc... Those of you with kids know this season oh too well. The kids bring all kinds of germs home to “spread the love” all around the house to the rest of the family. In my house we take extra precautions to try to make sure that when someone is sick they and they alone are remain sick (until the illness has pass). To accomplish this we make the “infected person” wear a hospital mask and we quarantine him/her. The contagious person is confined to his/her bedroom and their bathroom. Once remarkable signs of wellness are displayed, we then allow the person back into the common areas of the house.

You may think this is cruel, but hey…it works for us.

Being contagious carries with it a stigma. If you don’t think so, the next time you are in a crowd place say the words “I’m contagious” in a voice that is slightly louder than your regular speaking voice and just watch people’s reactions. I’m sure they will frown, shy away from you or totally remove themselves from your presence.

As Children of God, we are called to be contagious. We should have a burning desire to spread the “affectious” (Jesse Jackson word of the day) nature of God around. We are called to “infect” those in our circle of influence. We should give them what we “got”. We are carriers of God’s Love, His Peace, His Strength, His Power, His Wisdom…etc. and it is only through us that His Kingdom can be brought forth and His “Good News” delivered.

Love is one of the most contagious “infections” that we carry. God loves His Son (Jesus), Jesus loves us (He died for us) and we are called to love one another. Jesus said:

"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love… 17This is my command: Love each other”. John 15:9, 17

Most people in the world will not hear the gospel if it is not delivered with love from a person that has demonstrated love toward them. Just think…if you are ministering to the hungry and you are offering them the “Bread of Life” but not meeting their physical need 1st, it will be hard for them to hear the “good news” over the roaring growl of their stomachs. True Love is the only way to have an impact on the lives of others. We must act in love at the direction of the Spirit of God.

What spiritual infection are you carrying? Are you keeping yourself quarantined? Are you keeping it to yourself? Why not make today the day that you “infect” those around you and boldly show that you are contagious? Make today the day that you “Spread the Love”.

Be Blessed,

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