Saturday, February 27, 2010

Two Drivers and Two cars

Two Drivers and Two cars

Last night, as my family and I were walking from our car to a restaurant to dine for the evening, my 9 year old son asked, “Dad, what is the lowest amount of money that you can pay for a car?” My mind went back to when I was about 13 or 14 years old and I remember that one of the local dealers advertised that on the coming Saturday they would be selling several cars for $25 and that the cars that were selling for $25 would be scattered around their lot and would be made available on a 1st come/1st served basis. I remember my dad and I reading and laughing at the fine print that most people overlooked. There were NO guarantees with the cars and the latest car was well over 15 years old…the cars weren’t even guaranteed to run long enough get you home, yet as the news cameras showed up to the scene on the Friday night before the “sale”, hundreds of people were camped out over night to get the “deal of a lifetime”.

I guess the image of those beat up cars was on my mind as I slept because after I had my devotions this morning, CARS WERE ON MY MIND. Two distinct images came to mind. One was of an eager, young, excited driver who was very animated, and focused. One hand on the wheel and the “metal was to the pedal”…He was flooring it; however, all was not well. He was driving one of those $25 “hoopties or buckets”…oil leaking, engine smoking, windshield foggy and cracked and the worst thing was that he was plowing through a busy expressway going the WRONG WAY. Even though he was going the wrong way, he was excited and committed to his journey. He put all those around him in danger as he selfishly traveled recklessly though traffic.

The other image in contrast was that of an older man, also on the expressway. This driver was a nervous wreck. Both hands on the wheel, constantly checking both side mirrors, his rear view mirror and his “blindspots”. His hands were shaking as he literally inched forward, barely giving the car enough gas to move forward. He was behind the wheel of a Saleen S7 Twin Turbo (which costs about $585k and is one of the fastest “street legal” cars. It is capable of going from 0-60 in 3.2 seconds, top speed of about 225mph and totes 750 horsepower). He was going the right way but he too was a danger to those around him in traffic, as he chose not to use his “whip” to go the legal speed limit. With what he had, he could have easily left everyone in the dust, but he chose to take up the rear.

As I thought about these two different images, I began to reflect on my life. Sometimes in my relationship with God, my dedication to His plans and purpose for me, my relationship with my wife, my relationship with my children and in my dealing with others, I have been guilty of being like the man going “too slow” in my fast car. I have allowed my fears and selfishness to cause me to “inch” toward my dreams, to “inch” toward my purpose, to “inch” toward a deeper relationship with my wife and kids and to sadly “inch” toward a deeper understanding of and relationship with God.

He has given me more than I need to be abundantly successful in every aspect of my life as He put me on the right path. I’m convicted by the thought that at times I had more “gusto”, more determination, more focus when I was going the “wrong way” like the young eager man in the $25 car. Sadly that is the case for too many of the followers of Christ. When it comes to the things of God as compared to things of the world, we are less eager, have less focus and less determination. We carefully measure each step, and pursue God’s plans at a “snails pace”.

We ignore the God’s power that works though us and the Greatness that He has called us to. Ephesians 3:19-20 (Amplified Bible) reads:

19[That you may really come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]! Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]—

God has given us a GREAT DESTINATION to press toward, a GREAT ROAD of life to travel upon to get there and a GREAT VEHICLE to ride in along the way. His plans for us are far superior to our most extreme dreams. All we need to do is to trust Him and to stop driving around like we are in a “hooptie” that is about to breakdown, and realize that we are behind the wheel of a custom made and finely tuned “sports car” that is road ready.


Be Blessed,

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Enough of the cupidity!!!

A formerly rich but currently wise and lonely man declared “Beware the Ides of February”. It took him a lifetime to discover the truth that there is no amount money that you can spend on one day to prove that you love someone. Love is best demonstrated by priceless expressions each day. When all his money was spent, he found himself alone because he didn’t cultivate his relationships with intimacy. He was preoccupied with external exhibitions of “love”.

As the world gears up for Valentine’s Day…Love is in the air and, for most of the East Coast, SNOW and Ice are on the ground. People are hectic as they search for Chocolates and Candies of all sorts. Many gardens are bare as florists have plucked every flower that they had to meet the demand of men young and old to give the “ladies in their lives” bouquets. Cards in all shades of pink and red flood the department stores, the grocery stores, the pharmacies and even the gas stations (each card is hoping to be selected so that it won’t be humiliated on 2/15 by having its value reduced by 50-75%).Yes…Love is in the air…Or is it???

When I woke up this morning, I did two things. Spent some quite time with the Lord and checked the word of the day. The word of the day today…no shocker is cupidity. I thought to myself, what the heck is “cupidity”. I thought maybe it had something to do with people being crazy over love, “love drunk”, deeply in love with someone etc. To my surprise cupidity actually means “Eager or excessive desire, especially for wealth; greed”. It has nothing to do with any characteristic that I would associate with real love.

Reflecting on the definition of cupidity did however lead me to think about the way “love” is put in action in the world today. Many people who say that they are looking for love are really motivated by cupidity. They are looking for someone to meet some material need or they are looking to add to their arsenal of attributes (I got a man or I got a woman etc). They are not looking to share their lives in an unconditional way with another person in an effort to usher that person into the arms of God, by allowing them to get a glimpse of the way He feels about them. If we are honest, we have done many selfish things in the name of “love”. We have all done something “good” thinking we would get something in return.

This kind of “love” always leads to a state of discontent. Love is not “reaching out” to “take in” and to hoard (as it is with cupidity). True love is about reaching within and pouring out and giving of yourself to God and to others. Once you come to a point of accepting God’s Love and demonstrating His Love in your life, you can begin to truly experience what it means to be content.

In my devotions this morning, two scriptures that I reflected on are:

Hebrews 13:5 “Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.”

Philippians 4:11 “Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be [a] content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am.

I have learned that I can not find true contentment in my wife, my job, my material possessions or in any “human expression” of love that I may experience here on Earth. My true contentment is found in the assurance that God loves me and that He will never fail me or abandon me. I can only be fully satisfied in Him alone and I no longer have to search for the next “love high”, which will just leave me empty and searching like a fiend chasing the next fix.

As the world tries to express in one day what can only truly be conveyed over a lifetime, choose to find your contentment not in the truffles, the flowers, the edible arrangements, the jewelry, the romantic dinners, the cards etc. for those things are temporary. Find your contentment in the true and eternal Love that God has for you and allow His Love to be The Motivating Factor in all you do.

Make this 2/14 less about Cupid and more about real Love. Enough of the cupidity!!!

Be Blessed,