Friday, March 25, 2011

The Backroads

My commute to work is generally uneventful. Most of my commute takes me through several “backroads” that span across a wooded park area. I’ve memorized the hills and mastered the curves like the back of my hand and I often pretend as if was “Speed Racer” as I dash through the “natural” track that is produced by the ascents, descents and twists of the landscape the roads rest upon. The backroads are all one lane in either direction. Rarely does anyone pass another commuter on the road because there really aren’t many safe areas to pass, so the car that is in front of you when you enter the “backroads” is generally the same car the is in front of you when you exit the “backroads”.

On this particular day, I entered “the track” behind a late model Black S Class Mercedes. As we trekked though the rollercoaster-like trail, I began to mentally prepare for my day. I rehearsed the tasks, meetings and projects of the day in my mind. I also traveled though my mental archives, to make sure that I had all of the essentials that I needed to survive the day…my wallet, my lunch, my portfolio, my IPOD etc. I visualized myself completing my tasks and I imagined myself dashing back home in the opposite direction on these same “back roads” at the end of the day. My mind was racing faster then I was able to drive.

About 15 minutes passed and as I approached the traffic circle at the end of the “back-roads”, I looked ahead of me in disbelief. “WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED!?!?” No longer was the Black Benz in front of me. There was now a Ford Escort immediately in front of me and the Range Rover was directly in front of the Escort. There were now two vehicles between me and the Benz and I had no idea where they came from. I was so caught-up in thinking about other “things” that I totally missed the fact that two vehicles somehow made their way between me and the car that was entered my journey with. I was driving in a state of unawareness.

Proverbs 4:23-27 (MSG) says, “Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that's where life starts. Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip. Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither right nor left; leave evil in the dust.

If we are not focused on what is ahead, on our purpose, on God’s plans for our lives and specifically on following the lead of God, we may look up one day or open our eyes from “sleeping at the wheel” and find out that we have allowed other things to come between us and God, between us and our spouses, between us and our ministries, between us and our personal relationships, between us and our ability to love and ultimately between our lives as they currently exist and the state that God desires for them to exist.

As you travel on the “backroads” of your life, take a look at who is in front of you. Is it the “vehicle” that you started with, or have you allowed yourself to become sidetracked and have you let so many “distractions” come between you and the “lead car” that you can no longer even see the “Benz” that you were once tailgating.

We must guard our hearts and focus straight ahead and not allow “evil” to have a foothold in our lives. For where your heart is, your mind and body will eventually follow. GUARD YOUR HEARTS AND MINDS!!!!

On the “road of life” God encourages us to “tailgate” as He leads us. Follow Him as closely as possible and make NO ALLOWANCES for distractions along the way.

If you can’t see the “Benz” from your current position because you have “let too many other drivers get over”, it is time to put the pedal to the metal, cut them off and retake your proper position. God has not left you. He is waiting for you to take your proper position (right behind Him).

Who are you following along the “backroads” of your life…The Benz or The Escort???

Be Blessed,